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Noddinggam...experimenting with the accelerometer...

After some research I ordered as many of the parts and pieces as I think I'll need for at least one headset. For today I'm getting to know the accelerometer, and trying to learn how to get data from it. Here's what I'm using today...

From Adafruit:

Misc. Stuff I already have:

Getting the hardware ready for experimentation...

Adafruit does an amazing job of documenting how to use the products they sell, and I'm getting started with the documentation found here for their Flora and sewable 9-DOF Accelerometer/LSM9DS0.

The above image shows how to hook up the accelerometer to the Flora.

You'll also need Micro-B USB cable cable to give it power and load the programming, a good phone charger cable will probably work, my thick data capable / fast charging cable worked, not the thin slow power-only cable. If you want to be sure, buy one of theirs. This is where you plug it in...

Programming the Flora

I downloaded the library for the LSM9DS0 here...

and installed it using this tutorial...

In the Arduino App, I needed to make sure I had the Adafruit Flora board installed using this tutorial...

I used the "sensorapi" example mentioned in this tutorial, and voila I have accelerometer data.

I'm going to mess around with this a bit, maybe read up and see if it's better to handle the data on the Arduino side or in the phone. Baby steps...I'm just learning. If you have suggestions or comments feel free to leave them below.

Next time I plan on trying out my Bluefruit...stay tuned.

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